Our Culture Vision

Southend is home to a wealth of natural and historic assets, creative organisations and artistic talent.
By working collectively through a series of workshops, surveys and discussions, the local community, public sector and creative practitioners have come together to develop our Southend Culture Vision, which builds on the strengths and enthusiasm of our cultural, creative and heritage sectors.
We recognise how culture and creativity helps to establish a vibrant sense of place and brings our community together, as well as attracting investment, talent and visitors to Southend. This Vision builds upon our achievements to date and outlines areas where we still have room to grow and how, through new levels of co-operation and joint working, we can maximise the amazing creative potential that exists across the city.
This Vision sets out an aspirational plan to support the development and growth of our cultural and creative economies across the city over the next ten years.
It aims to recognise and nurture the energy and creative vision of our local cultural, creative and heritage sector, encouraging new ideas and creative collaborations. It also aims to increase the opportunities for residents and visitors to experience and enjoy our heritage, the arts and renowned cultural experiences.